Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Enrolling for Fall 2014

Our first year of preschool in Price was a huge success! We had a great time making friends, going to fieldtrips to Coldstone, the Prehistoric Museum, and the Fire Station, and learning the skills we'll need in Kindergarten!

This fall our morning Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday class is full! But I'm still having people contact me looking for available spots. Because of this, I have decided to consider adding a twice a week (Tuesday/Thursday) afternoon class. This class would go from 12:40-2:40 (to let out right before Castle Heights Elementary and aid parents in simplifying their student pick up). Tuition for the afternoon class is $50 with a registration/materials fee of $25. This class will open as soon as I have enough interest. I will need at least 5 students to make a class. If you or someone you know has a preschool cutie who would like to join Happy Day Preschool's afternoon session, please contact Miss Megan.
